His Baby: A Babycrazy Romance Page 7
Chapter 10
I strain while raising the bar above my head. Fuck, this shit is heavy! But my biceps flex, the air whoofs my chest, and then it’s done. Full extension. Maximum volume, and then the release. Bang! The bar slams down once again, clanking onto the weight machine.
Because shit, I’m not gonna let this disease kill me. I’m not gonna go down like some fucking pansy, wasted away and feeble. I’m going to face it head-on, grappling with the monster by the horns. I’m gonna live to see not just my children, but my grandchildren. So yeah. I work out like a gladiator, hitting the gym twice a day and pushing my body to the limits. Sweat pours down my brow as I grip the bar once more, ready to do some real damage.
Suddenly, a soft female form materializes beside me.
“Hey,” says Melissa. “You ready to do some sit-ups together?”
I smile at her.
“Anything for you, sweetheart. Just give me five more minutes with this beast.”
And she nods before turning to head towards the mat area. I watch ravenously as that big butt bumps and grinds underneath the tight spandex, her breasts barely held in by the tiny sports bar.
Because this is my fertile woman. She started as my doctor, but we became something more than physician and patient. After that dirty prostate exam, I couldn’t get enough. I had to have her. So Melissa and I started dating like a real couple, and even more incredible, we’ve been trying to conceive. Who would’ve thunk? Mace Jackson, asshole extraordinaire, now trying to have a baby with a stand-up woman, and not some floozy.
Frankly, it’s surprised me more than anyone because I’m not a guy who does relationships. I’m the guy who waltzes in, fucks the prettiest girl in the room, and then waltzes out while my cum is still dripping from her holes. Rancid? Hell yeah. But it’s been my MO for forty years now, and frankly, it suits me just fine. I get a new flavor of the week every week, and at this point, there are so many notches on my bed that I’ve stopped counting.
But with Melissa, it’s different. She’s special. Smart as a whip, with a sassy mouth and a filthy body. She’s a helluva lot smarter than me, that’s for sure. I’ve caught her reading shit like The Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg Business, not to mention general interest mags like The New Yorker and Time. Me, by comparison? I haven’t read anything for four years, and that includes the menu at my favorite restaurant.
So yeah, Mel is different. She’s incredibly intelligent as well as stunningly beautiful, and I’m lucky that she wants to have my babies. Plus, I’m reminded of her smarts and wit all the time. Take last week for example. The girl perched on my lap as we perused the paper together, she the Features section and me the Comics. So sue me. I still dig Charlie Brown and Snoopy for laughs.
“Oh you,” she says when I snort at one of Linus’s antics. “What’s so funny?”
“He’s just such a dumb kid,” I chuckle again, my eyes eating up the pictures. “He never gets it, you know? And the poor guy has Lucy as a big sister too.”
Mel turns to look at me, that curvy body dressed only in my oversized t-shirt. Her butt’s pressed up against my cock and I stiffen involuntarily as her pussy lips squash up against my hardness. But the female just giggles, nudging my hand.
“Move a little to the left,” she purrs. “You’re blocking the article I’m reading.”
My eyes skim lazily to her side of the paper before flying open, impressed.
“Wow, you’re reading about the heroin epidemic in the Northeast?” I ask. “That’s heavy shit for a Sunday morning.”
Her lips turn down in a slight frown.
“I know, but I feel like I have to,” she admits slowly. “I’m a doctor and public health is part of my business,” she says. “I guess sometimes I feel guilty because there are so many things I could be doing to better the world, but I’m not doing any of it.”
I’m dumbstruck.
“What are you talking about, sweetheart? You’re the kindest, sweetest person I know. You’re a urologist, literally trying to help people get over a dozen different diseases.”
She blushes but then sighs before turning to me once again.
“I know, but it’s just that we have so much more than anyone else, you know? We don’t realize how easy it is to get cutting-edge medical care in the United States. For example, Rwanda has no health system at all. Did you know that? It’s not that they missing palliative care, or access to the latest AIDS drugs. It’s that there is no health care system available to its citizens at all. Full stop. So what do I do?”
I’m stumped for words. To be honest, these issues never occurred to me.
“I’m not sure, baby,” is my useless reply. “Go to Rwanda, I guess, and be a urologist there, I guess?” Even to me, the words sound ridiculous.
But Mel nods thoughtfully.
“I have thought about that,” she says slowly. “Have you ever heard of Medecins Sans Frontieres, also known as Doctors Without Borders? They’re physicians that go to third world countries to provide their skills at a vastly reduced rate, if not free. They do all sorts of helpful things because frankly, the majority of the humanity doesn’t have access to things as simple as aspirin or band-aids.”
Again, I’m caught unawares. I’ve spent my life being a manwhore and a playboy when I’m not making my millions. So talking about global health care issues was totally new to me, and I pulled the female towards me tight.
“I’ll support you in whatever you do,” is my hoarse whisper in her ear. “I’m so proud of you honey. Doing what you do, and doing it for people who have no other options. You’re one in a million, sweetheart.”
Melissa bestowed a smile on me then, sweet and gentle.
“Thank you Mace,” she said. “I’m glad you feel the same way too because honestly, I don’t know what I’d do if you didn’t,” she says, taking a deep breath. “Caring what happens to other people is part of being human and I’m glad that even an alpha male like you knows how important it is,” she says with a sparkle to her eye.
I pull her close then, growling against the sensitive skin of her neck.
“Oh I care, sweetheart, I care a lot. Just ask, and I’ll give you whatever you want. You ready for it?”
Melissa giggles then, the tone of our conversation changing in a snap.
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” she says sassily, tugging down the neckline of the v-neck t-shirt so that one huge tit pops out, almost hitting me in the face with its lusciousness. “Come on big guy,” she purrs. “You ready for a little dessert after breakfast?”
And of course, things went downhill from there. My girl and I got it on again, the curvy female taking me in her pussy and asshole, screaming as I rotated my dick between the two.
“Unnhf,” I grunted, slamming into her twat before pulling out and pushing into her bottom. “Unnnh, unnnh!”
But the brunette is filthy as hell because all she did was lean over even more, both hands reaching back to pull her butt cheeks apart, baring her all for me.
“Take me, Mace,” she panted heavily face first into the mattress. “Give it to me good.”
Of course, I did. I spewed like a madman into her bottom, the cream overflowing that anal canal before dripping down her crack into her pussy. So yeah, the sex is mind-blowing. Filthy and depraved, exactly the way I like it. But even more, Melissa’s taught me to be human. She’s taught me to see beyond my narrow world view filled with fast cars, fast women, and unspeakable luxury. She’s taught me to think about people who have far less, and their goals and motives in life. Melissa has opened my eyes to the painful, the heartbreaking, but also the incredible. The beauty of what it means to be alive, and to give back to the world from whence you came.
So yeah, I crave the brunette. Even more than that, I want to keep her permanently. Maybe my time left on this Earth is limited, but if the beautiful woman will have me, I’m ready to put a ring on her finger. I’m ready to force my last name on her, while I put a baby in
her belly. Nothing could make me happier than seeing Melissa grow heavy and round with my child.
But clearly, I’m a selfish prick. Because what kind of dying man wants all that? What kind of asshole wants to leave his wife pregnant and expecting, with no husband to support her? But that’s what illness does to you. Sure, I don’t look or feel sick at all. But staring Death in the face has made me even more determined to be a father, if that makes sense. So yeah. I want to Melissa to be barefoot and pregnant as my sperm drips down her thighs. I want her to feel my virile jism in that fertile twat. In short, I want to breed her over and over again because I love her and want her to be the mother to my children.
But right now, I haven’t said any of those things. The words stick in my throat, making my heart pump hard as every nerve goes on high alert. Because we’re at the gym for crying out loud. There are people around, and this isn’t the time for declarations of love and lust. But when? I make it my mission to tell her how I feel. Soon.
And in the same way Melly’s had a good effect on me, I’ve also altered her in some special ways. Working out and being healthy, for one.
“No, no,” she cried playfully the first time I invited her to the gym. “Don’t I already work out enough with you, Mace? You know, the Horizontal Club between the sheets.”
I snorted.
“Sure you do, sweetheart. I wear you out all the time, that’s for certain. But honey, you’re a doctor. You know that exercising does a body good.”
Melissa flushed a little, looking down.
“I know,” she said hesitantly. “It’s just that I’m big, you know? It’s always so embarrassing to be huge when there are gym bunnies wearing next to nothing and lifting fifty pound weights.”
I snorted.
“Yeah, and you know what? Those gym bunnies have faces full of make-up too. They’re not working out, sweetheart, they’re there to meet a gorilla who’ll take them out. After all, why not? The gym is as good of a place as any, and these guys are ripped and toned to boot. But seriously honey. Don’t even compare yourself to them. You look a thousand times better with or without clothes.”
Melissa blushed and bit her lip again, clutching the thin sheet to her chest. Oh shit, I could see her tits through the nearly transparent material, and the visualization of those boobies bouncing to and fro as she hit the treadmill turned me on.
But the brunette nodded her head again.
“Okay,” she whispered. “I’ll give it a try. But only if you’re my personal trainer.”
“I’ll train you in a million ways you’ve never imagined,” was my dirty quip. “Now come on, let’s get crackin’ sweetheart. I wanna work that little body out until you’re drenched.”
And so this relationship has a lot of quid pro quo. She’s a good influence on me, and I’m a good influence on her too. Who would have guessed? Mace Jackson, billionaire asshole who lives to corrupt innocent girls is actually bringing a female to the gym because he likes her. No, I love her, and that’s the truth. I want everything Melissa has to give, and the time has come.
Strolling over to the yoga mats, I sit down next to the curvy girl. She’s on her back, stretching while waiting for me.
“Ready to do some sit-ups?” she asks saucily. Oh fuck. Mel’s no longer wearing baggy t-shirts and sweatpants to the gym. Instead, I’ve convinced her to buy some sassy outfits, and right now those big boobies are straining against the bra top, her bottom encased in tight yoga pants.
“Sure,” I growl, pupils already dilating. “Let’s get to it.”
But Mel shakes her head.
“You first,” she teases. “Lay back and I’ll pin your feet down.”
I arch an eyebrow at her before lying down and raising my knees into an inverted vee. Sit-ups are easy for me and I expect to blast through a set of a hundred in a couple minutes, no sweat.
But the brunette takes things into her own hands. She leans against my knees, big boobies pressed against my shins and presses her hands on my sneakered feet.
“Go to it,” she whispers naughtily. “Start your sit-ups.”
I look around. Holy fuck, can people see this? But fortunately, we’re in the corner of the room with no one nearby. Off in the distance are a couple muscleheads straining away as they lift weights, but their eyes are fixed on the mirror. They’re too into themselves to care.
So Melissa shoots me another naughty smile.
“Like I said, big guy, you ready to go?” she asks, pressing her breasts against me even tighter. “Because you know I like to get a good work out.”
And with that, she pulls her sports bra down until both tits pop out. They’re hidden from view because she’s pressed against my shins, but oh shit, I can feel those hard nipples against me. Those plump breasts are aroused as hell and fuck, if there isn’t a musky cunt smell wafting through the air.
Slowly, I put my hands behind my head and begin to sit-up.
“One,” she mewls before I go back down. “Two.”
But that’s when things get rancid. Because the girl is wearing some type of special yoga pant where there’s a slit at the crotch. What the hell? Who designed this? I’ve heard of transparent yoga pants, I’ve heard of shit that comes in rainbow colors. But crotchless yoga pants? Who knew? And as I do my sit-ups, the girl starts fingering herself, parting her legs so that I can see. First, she puts both thumbs on either side of her pussy lips, pulling her twat open.
“Shit,” I moan, gazing at her sweetest spot. “Oh fuck.”
“Oh fuck is right,” she titters, pulling open her pink hole. “See that?” she mewls as it glistens wetly. “It’s so tight and wet for you.”
I almost spurt right there, this is so wrong. Because what the fuck? We’re in public, and yet she’s fingering her pussy for me? What the hell is going on?
But sure enough, Mel is on it. I’ve taught my girl too well, and as she leans against my knees, the girl starts playing with herself big time. She massages her clit just like I taught her before pinching it hard and making herself squeal. A literal gush of juice comes out, drenching my ankles and I groan, my cock hard and stiff.
“Fuck baby,” is my helpless growl, eyes fixed to where her fingers are disappearing in that sweet twat. “Fuck fuck fuck.”
But the thing is, I’m not some dude who just stands by and watches as a pretty girl gets fucked. Especially when the rightful place for my seed is in her ass or her pussy. So with a swift move of my hands, I whip my cock out, the pole sticking up to the ceiling as I lie on my back.
“Sit ups are over baby,” is my growl. “Sit down on this.”
And Melissa obliges. We don’t care that other people might see. We don’t care that we’re fucking in the middle of a public place. All we care about is my cock in her tiny twat, and with a moan, she moves forward and brushes her sopping hole against my glans.
“Ohhh,” she moans, throwing her had back with those brown eyes closed. “Oh yeah.”
But Mel is so fucking dirty now that even I’m taken by surprise. Because the next thing the girl does is shift forward until it’s her bottom bumping against my shaft.
“What the hell,” I grunt, sitting up halfway. “You ready for …?”
But my words are cut off because Melissa’s started the slide. Eyes closed, she throws her head back and starts easing that tight behind down my thick fuckshaft. Oh shit, it feels good. Her bottom’s huge, the white cheeks parting as she strains, working it in little by little.
“Fuuuuck,” the nasty slut moans, cupping her breasts now. “Oh god, your dick feels good in my butt.”
I jerk my hips a bit, forcing more of it in.
“And you’re a fucking buttslut,” is my low rasp. “Fucking me with your ass in a public place like this.”
She doesn’t even deny it.
“Yes,” she moans, sliding down even more, her tiny asshole so dry and tight on my hot rod. “Yes, I’m a butt slut. I’m your butt slut, Mace.”
And that does it. With one
last jerk, I’m balls deep in her anus, my dick twitching in her rectal canal. Oh shit, it feels good and I can’t hold back now. I grab her hips and start pumping that curvy bottom. My hips piston upwards, cramming her ass full of thick man meat.
“You fucking slut,” I rasp hoarsely, pummeling her good. “You’re such a dirty whore.”
Melissa mewls, that perfect profile tipped back with ecstasy.
“I am,” she mewls, boobies bouncing as I pump her bottom full. “But I’m your whore Mace.”
And with that, I come. I can’t help it. This woman belongs to me and hearing her acknowledge it pushes me over the edge. With a roar loud enough to wake the dead, I erupt in her back door, spurting my cream deep into the reaches of her GI tract.
“Unnnh!” she screams. “Unnh, unnh, unnnh!”
For sure, people are looking now. It’s impossible to miss the man and woman in the yoga area having full-on anal sex for anyone to see. My shaft throbs inside her bottom as white cream leaks out between our bodies. But we can’t stop because it feels too good, and frankly, I don’t give a fuck what other people think. Standing with Melissa still clutched in my strong arms, I shoulder my way into the men’s locker room which is thankfully empty.
But that doesn’t stop the shocked whispers that follow us when we emerge, freshly showered and dressed.