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His Love: A Forbidden Boss Romance Page 6

  So I grinned again.

  “It’s all you, sweetheart,” I ground out.

  Kitty colored.

  “But I know you had something to do with it.”

  My huge shoulders shrugged.

  “So what? That’s what the boss does. We find underutilized talent and make suggestions. Something wrong with that?” my eyebrow quirked.

  Kitty bit her lip.

  “No, not at all, I just don’t want the other dancers to talk, that’s all,” she said softly.

  Aw fuck. The other dancers. One of the things I hate about ballet troupes is that it’s like a fucking coop of chickens sometimes. With this much estrogen and this much competition, the females can be vicious, biting each other with sharp beaks, pecking each other’s eyes out.

  “Why, someone say something to you?” I said casually, voice smooth. Of course, I was going to pound that fucker into the ground if Kitty had been treated badly. Or more accurately, I was going to fire them, their dreams of stardom in the big city gone kaput.

  “No, not at all,” said Kitty slowly. “It’s just a feeling I have. Call it girl sense.”

  An eyebrow raised.

  “Girl sense? What’s that?”

  The brunette shrugged slim shoulders again, big boobs going up and down, distracting as fuck.

  “It’s just a feeling,” she said in a low voice. “But I don’t want to say anything because there’s nothing concrete. Can we talk about something else Luke?” she murmured. “Forget I said anything. Show me what you like to do in the gym, let’s get back to you,” she smiled persuasively.

  I could tell the brunette wanted to change the subject, it was only too obvious. And I get it. When you have nothing but a chill down your spine, it’s hard to say exactly what’s wrong. But as a billionaire CEO, I’ve learned to trust my instincts and that fucking chill is often the first sign that shit is about to hit the fan. So my little girl wasn’t wrong, she wasn’t a space case or some batshit crazy insane woman. Kitty was probably right on the money, she just didn’t have the experience to know it yet.

  And I resolved to keep a close eye on her. Because that curvy figure, that sweet frame, were too much to sacrifice. I wanted her happy and flush, bouncing up and down my dick every night, and if Kitty was upset about some shit, it wasn’t going to happen. I wanted that pussy ripe, spread open and willing, and that meant my girl needed to be comfortable, ready to entertain hard cock at all hours.

  But right. We were in the gym, and the girl was flirting with me now. Walking over to the elliptical trainer, she trailed one finger over a metal bar.

  “Daddy,” she breathed. “Does this turn you on?”

  I snorted because Kitty’s got a hilarious sense of humor. Going with it, the brunette clambered onto the machine and began pumping her arms, big boobs jiggling as she stepped forward and then back, forward and then back. Aw shit, those flying breasts and jiggling rump did turn me on, I love my girl in motion.

  “Stop it,” I ground out. “Stop it.”

  Kitty just laughed, getting off the elliptical. But then she switched to another mechanism, a pull-down machine, which is a black seat with a bar above that you grip. As you pull down the bar, the resistance works your lats and back, building up strength in your core.

  Except with Kitty, everything took on a different angle. Because as she seated that juicy ass down on the saddle, the girl threw me a flirty look.

  “Look Daddy,” she breathed. “Am I doing this right?”

  And reaching above, the brunette grasped the bar above her head before straining to bring it down. Aw shit, it was a gorgeous sight. Those big breasts heaved and quivered, her exhales only emphasizing those luscious tits.

  “Look Daddy,” Kitty giggled again, releasing the bar now, boobies jiggling like mad. “Look.”

  And with that, she reached into her sports bra and popped out a big one. The creamy white bounced out, pink crest hard already.

  “You like Daddy?” she whispered. “Then how about this one too?”

  And reaching down once more, she popped her other tit out, now both on display. The creamy flesh quivered with her pink nips pointed straight at me.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I growled, dick going from rubber to iron in a flash. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “Oh nothing,” giggled Kitty again. “I thought I’d make working out more fun, that’s all,” she murmured coyly. “You know it’s so boring, just reps again and again, always the same thing.”

  I begged to differ. Working out is boring if you’re not committed. But when you’ve been going at it strong for twenty years, like me, there are ways to vary things, to make sure the routines don’t grind you down.

  But the little filly clearly didn’t have that in mind. Big boobies swinging this way and that, she giggled again, circling one pink tip with a finger.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” I rasped again, stiff shaft almost unbearably hard. I looked around, sweeping the gym floor. “Shit baby, are you fucking insane?”

  Thank god, the place was deserted right now. Other than the music and the subtle whir of the A/C, there was no movement, no noise, we had our privacy. But still. This was a public place, anyone could walk over at any second. Was my sweet brunette fucking nutso? I had to get her to a doctor stat to get that head examined.

  But Kitty just giggled again, wiggling her hips. And this time, those pink shorts dropped so that she was in nothing but a sports bra pulled down obscenely under her breasts.

  “Daddy,” she cooed. “I got rid of my shorts because I want to do thigh presses. I want to go as wide as possible, and you know that’s hard to do when my clothes are tight.”

  I gaped at her. My baby was nude now, sweet form creaming hard, the pink slit between her legs puffy and wet. And as I watched, the brunette sat herself down at the thigh-master, positioning her ass on the black saddle. Seizing my eyes with her own, she grabbed the handles on each side of the seat and began opening and closing her legs, pressing against the weights on each side.

  “Ohhh,” she moaned gutturally, eyes going shut. “Ohhh, yeah, gimme that burn.”

  My cock jerked then. I couldn’t help it, the sight was fucking nasty and my dick literally thrust out of my shorts then, insistently pointing at the girl. Because the thigh machine is usually tame and boring, but the way Kitty was going it changed everything. With every rep, every time she parted her knees, that pink slit came into view, nether lips pulling apart, revealing the dew within.

  “Ohhh,” she moaned again. “Oh yeah.”

  Aw fuck, I couldn’t take it anymore. It didn’t matter if we were in a public gym, I didn’t give a fuck if I someone saw. All that mattered was tasting the honey, getting myself a mouthful of that delicious ambrosia and with a roar, I stepped between her legs, crouching down to nuzzle at a big breast.

  “Fuck baby,” I rasped. “You asked for it.”

  Because without waiting for a reply, I did it. I lowered myself until I was face-level with her puss and licked it a good one. I tasted the brunette’s insides all the way from asshole to clit, letting her honey run down my throat.

  “Unnnh!” she cried out, wiggling in the seat. “Daddy!”

  I grunted.

  “That’s what you get for teasing Daddy,” I rasped. “This is what you fucking get.”

  Because I bit her clit, hard then. The girl screamed out loud, boobies bobbling even as her pussy gushed more.

  “Oh Daddy!” she cried out. “Oh Luke!”

  It only made me more determined. What little chickadee gets to come to my gym, my sacred space, and act nasty? What sweet thing gets to strip naked and tease me with those bouncing boobies and sweet pink slit, on my terrain? I was going to show Kitty who was boss.

  So roughly pulling her legs forward, I pushed those knees up, exposing her all. Oh yeah, the girl was leaning back now, tits heaving as that snatch creamed, the smell fucking delectable. But even more, that asshole was revealed, the
delicious brown pucker and I bent my head, corkscrewing my tongue inside.

  “Daddeeee!” Kitty screamed. There was no holding back now, my little brunette has no volume control, and I was tongue-fucking her anus in plain view. “Daddeeee!”

  “That’s right,” I grunted. “That’s right, you’ve been a nasty slut and Daddy’s making you pay. Daddy’s going to make you come so hard the smell of your asshole is going to fill up this gym.”

  Evidently Kitty wasn’t worried at all because she tossed her head, leaning back even more, and pushed her anus forward.

  “Luke!” she squealed. “Luke, Daddy!”

  And what could I do but taste the inside of that rectum? Oh yeah, her pleats were so tight, contracting reflexively as I snaked my tongue in, the butt musk so good. But did I stop? Hell no, I was taking my fill of my sweet girl’s back end, every inch of her belonged to me.

  “Fuck yeah,” I grunted, pushing again and again into her rusty star. “Fuck yeah, you taste good.”

  Kitty was gripping her ankles now, pulling them so far back that they were almost behind her ears.

  “Unnnnh,” she moaned. “Unnh, unnh.”

  But my little girl is dirtier than I thought. It’s mind-blowing if you think about it. Just a month ago, this innocent brunette was a virgin, a sweet, nubile teen who’d never had anything in her puss. And now she’s fucked round the clock, seated in my big dick, gyrating and dancing just for me. But the brunette’s inventive, and what she did next took even me by surprise.

  Because pushing my head back, she lowered her legs, staring at me, eyes wide. Shit, the girl was beautiful, those big boobs heaving, brown gaze heavy-lidded with lust. And licking her lips, she stood, almost bopping me in the head with a huge tit.

  “I know you want it Luke,” she cooed coyly. “I know you want it.”

  Want what? Want that delectable pussy? Want her seated hard on my rod, boobies flying? Of course I wanted it. I wanted the ballerina to twirl on my joystick at max speed until she flew apart, cunt spasming like it was World War Three.

  But Kitty was still playing. Teasingly she got up, those nude curves on display, and strode over to a pull-up bar about six feet off the ground.

  “Daddy,” she whispered, raising her arms over her head. “Tie me up?”

  If my cock had been at attention before, then it was fucking militant now. Ten inches on a good day, I had to be eleven now, I was so juiced. And as if in reply, my dick jerked at her words, spurting involuntarily.

  The girl giggled, shooting me a coy look.

  “Mr. Big wants it,” she purred. “Mr. Big really wants it.”

  I was over there in a flash, ripping off my gym shorts. Shit, we were both naked now, our bodies glistening, two horny as fuck people getting it on under the fluorescent lights of the gym. There had to be cameras, there had to be security or something. But no, we were still alone, two people going at it like dirty, filthy animals in public.

  And in a flash, I had Kitty tied up. Oh yeah, that sweet thing had offered, and who am I to say no? There were all sorts of belts and buckles hanging off the pull-up bar and within seconds, the girl was trussed up tight.

  I stepped back then, admiring my work. Because shit, the female was beautiful. Arms raised over her head, the girl stood on tippy-toes, everything out in the open from her huge, pendulous breasts to that dripping crevice between her legs. Fuck, the cunt smell was so strong that I literally jizzed again, semen hitting the floor with a wet splat.

  But now I had Kitty where I wanted, the way I wanted. I was going to fuck her so good, I was going to make that little body take my dick until she was so wrecked that walking would be a challenge. So I spun that luscious bod around, like a piece of meat on a hook.

  “Dance for me baby,” I growled. “Dance.”

  Sure enough as she spun, those assets flew. Her toes moved in a light pattern, trailing in circles as those assets jiggled and wiggled, cream running down her thigh. But Kitty’s a dirty bitch, and she wasn’t going to be satisfied unless there was hard dick in her body.

  Slowly, she came to a stop, assets still bobbling. And then bending forwards a little so that her rump was up in the air, the female bumped that ass up and down, spreading her thighs so I could see the goodness.

  “Daddy, now?” she panted. “Into me now?”

  I rumbled.

  “Fuck yeah sugar, I know you want it.”

  The brunette mewled, wiggling her ass again, baiting me with that juicy cunt.

  “Put it in,” she whispered. “Put it into me, please Daddy.”

  And stepping up behind her, I obliged. Reaching around her torso, I grabbed two huge fistfuls of breastflesh, anchoring myself. And lining my dick up with her slit, I pushed forwards.

  “Ahhhhh!” we cried out in unison, the slide so fucking good. Because I’ve been in that cunt a hundred times now, and yet it’s still so tight. It’s still so new, but my girl is flexible and stretchy, and as always, that vag cushioned my big pole just right.

  “Ahhh!” she cried out again as I slid in deeper. “Oh god, oh god!”

  “That’s right,” I ground out. “Your pussy is so fucked. Baby’s pussy is so fucked.”

  “Mmm,” the girl murmured breathlessly, head drooping, like a flower too heavy for its stalk. “Oh god, you make me feel so good Luke.”

  Grinning where she couldn’t see, I pulled out, letting the brunette enjoy that delicious slide before pushing back in. Oh yeah, the girl twisted and twirled, but she couldn’t get away, tied to the pull-up bar. And I took advantage of the resistance. Gripping her boobs tighter, I fucked in and out a couple times roughly, almost bouncing off those sweet curves with each thrust.

  “Shit,” I grunted. “Shit, shit, shit.”

  But this wasn’t just going to be some pussy fuck. I wasn’t going to let Kitty get away with only vaginal after the way she teased me, stripping naked in the gym and baiting me with that ass. Kitty was going to get it in her brownie, right here, right now, whether or not she was ready.

  So growling, I pulled myself out, watching ravenously as cock exited those sweet folds. Shit, this was so fucking disgusting. Her pink clung to me, puffy and wet, like it couldn’t bear to let go. I grunted. The best girls have “dog,” they suck you in and squeeze you tight, dick is what they live for.

  And pressing against that smooth back, I whispered into her sweet shell of an ear.

  “Daddy’s going to take your ass now. You ready honey? You ready for a hot cock stuffed into your anus?”

  Kitty jerked then, crying out, twisting uselessly against the ropes.

  “No Daddy,” she panted, almost crying. “Daddy, I can’t fit you. You’re too big!”

  I smiled nastily, biting into that throat.

  “Don’t you fucking tell me what I can’t and can do. Daddy owns this body, and that includes your bottom hole.”

  And with that, I teased my dicktip against her pleats, feeling between those creamy ass cheeks. Oh yeah, she wanted it. Her pucker clenched reflexively but then loosened as the girl heaved and moaned, eyes closed, profile lifting.

  “Oh god Daddy, oh god,” she panted, almost sobbing. “Please be gentle.”

  But even sweetly crying, those curves told me a different story. Because Kitty’s legs parted, her thighs opening like a gateway and that brown pucker flicked into view. Shit, it was so savory and aromatic, the female musk dense and spicy in my nostrils. And with a grunt and another bite at that slim throat, I went for it.

  “Shhh, baby,” I rumbled into her ear. “Shhh, just relax. It’ll go in easier if you relax.”

  Increasing the pressure, my dick began to make headway.

  “Unnnh,” Kitty cried out, body still twisting. “Ohhhh.”

  “Shhh, baby girl,” I rasped. “It’s going to be good, Daddy’s already wet his dick in that slutty cunt. You feel it? You feel how slick I am? That’s from your cunt juice, your female cream’s keeping us lubed.”

  Kitty moaned again, breasts he
aving up and down as I breached that pucker. Shit, she was so fucking tight, anus resisting me. Increasing the pressure, I pushed insistently forwards until with a pop, her sphincter let go.

  “Shit,” I rasped, panting like a mofo. “Fuck fuck fuck.”

  Because holy mother of god, I’d slid in and her rectum was tight. Those dry anal walls clamped me like a maximum strength vise, dick slammed in her back end, the rub unbelievable.

  “Awww shit,” I ground out again.

  And Kitty wanted it too. After the initial pop, she’d gone stiff, eyes flying open, as if unable to believe there was a huge rod up her ass. But now that she’d had a second to process, a wail rang out, loud and clear.

  “Oh god, Daddy!” she squealed, writhing on my dick, curvy body twisting and turning with her arms still pinned above. “Oh god you’re so huge!”

  I chuckled roughly into her ear.

  “That’s right sweet thing, Daddy’s the size of a monster truck. But your butt’s so slutty, pretty girl. Because I got it in on the first try, all the way in on the first try. What kind of butt slut does that, hmmm baby girl? What kind of butt slut takes dick all the way up her anus the first time?”

  Kitty cried out then, the nasty words juicing her further.

  “Me!” she panted breathily. “I’m your butt slut Daddy, make me your butt slut! Make my ass hurt!”

  Who am I to turn down a request like that? Better men have failed, and I’m no angel. So I pulled back, the dry slide incredible, and thrust in again, the little girl screaming again as I gave her the good one. The pump went fast, and my fists grabbed her breasts, squeezing and massaging, as I pummeled that back hole.

  “Unnnnh!” she cried out. “Unnh, unnh!”

  “Aw, fuck yeah,” was my growling reply. “Open up that rectum for Daddy. Take it you dirty bitch, fuck fuck.”

  But I’m the one who miscalculated because I thought I was going to enjoy that pretty ass for at least a couple minutes. I thought I’d be able to last, sawing away inside the sweet female’s rectum, savoring her butt for a while. But shit, that’s what Kitty does to me. Because her rectal walls were so tight, so powerful, that I burst after a couple strokes, dick blasting lash after lash of hot white up her insides.